What does cardio mean

What does cardio mean when it comes to fitness? Well, putting it simply it means using your heart. Actually the phrase should be termed “ cardio pulmonary “ which is relating to heart and lung , which is more accurate. When we exercise in a huffy puffy way for more than about 3 minutes we […]

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The Science behind lifting heavy weights

Personal Training Courses Gold Coast, Become a Personal Trainer Gold Coast

So we’ve covered how weight training , if done correctly, will increase muscle . The point is , what is correctly? Obviously good form is important , but what many gym goers don’t know is that you have to increase the weight every time you have your session ,as long as it fits in with […]

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Benefits of Strength Training

Personal Training Courses Gold Coast, Become a Personal Trainer Gold Coast

Benefits of Strength Training Would you rather be weak or strong? I reckon the answer is obvious, no one wants to be weak. So how do we make ourselves stronger? The answer lies in the benefits of strength training. On average we lose 1 kg of muscle every 5 years if we don’t do weight […]

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Personal Training Courses Gold Coast, Become a Personal Trainer Gold Coast

In the last 50 years or so, weight loss diets have been an ongoing craze. From Atkins to Paleo, to eat right for your blood type to the soup diet and many more! Often, a celebrity would have endorsed this, with a Doctor’s seal of approval. Nothing talks about Nutrition though. It may not come […]

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How do Carb’s work?

Type 2 diabetes

How do Carb’s work? Carbohydrates are one of the main three Macro nutrients essential for survival but How do Carb’s Work? MITOCHONDRIA Protein and Fats are the other two. We will cover them in another blog. There are about 50 trillion cells in the human body. In each one of these cells there is something […]

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What is Metabolism

What is Metabolism

It’s interesting that there are so many diets that promise the world. So if they all “Work”, then why are there so many of them ? Surely they can’t all work. So what is Metabolism? Different kinds of diets Lets name just a few:- Atkins, Paleo, 5:2, Keto, The Soup Diet, Lemon detox and then […]

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Does Cardio work?

Does cardio work

Does Cardio Work? I sometimes read articles from other Fitness Professionals preaching that cardiovascular exercise doesn’t burn fat. The question is, does Cardio work? OF COURSE IT DOES! All you need do is look at Elite Sport people and examine them to find your answers. We have just had the 2020 Olympics, visualize or search […]

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Target heart rate

Target heart rate can be worked out via different equations such as, working at 50% of your maximum will make you burn more fat.  But this is way too broad. Below you will find out a better way of working it out. Let’s take a marathon runner – a 30 year old marathon runner’s max […]

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How to lose weight and burn fat effectivley.

Cardio exercise such as running on a treadmill or cycling is known to aid weight loss. However the intensity and duration of cardio exercise is a hot topic among fitness enthusiasts and trainers. Some trainers believe that to maximise fat loss during training, long session of cardio training at a relatively low intensity are necessary […]

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